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In the last few months, our dev team has grown to 11 coders and we’ve been working solidly behind the scenes, adding a whole host of new features to make our products better and to make you, our lovely customers, happier.   

UpdraftCentral Makeover

We’ve been dramatically renovating UpdraftCentral with three major improvements coming soon!

  • Tags, which makes your remotely-managed websites easier to organize, categorize and thus locate when you need them; and
  • Analytics, which allows you to run useful analytics on your website data, giving you an instant overview of their KPIs.
  • The design is undergoing a major overhaul so that it’s even sleeker, smarter and more intuitive.

UpdraftCentral is now easier than ever to setup from UpdraftPlus settings with the new wizard.  So if you haven’t tried it yet and have a few sites you manage, try it today!

UpdraftPlus Backups to Multiple Accounts

In response to your feedback, we’re currently working on allowing you to upload your UpdraftPlus backups to multiple cloud accounts at the same time.

At present, you can back up to multiple different platforms at once (for example, GoogleDrive and Dropbox) but very soon, you’ll also be able to back up to multiple accounts within those platforms too (for example, two accounts within GoogleDrive or Dropbox).

WP-Optimize Premium

We can barely believe that it’s been almost a year since we acquired WP-Optimize! On the anniversary of the takeover, we’ll be launching our best-ever Premium version of the plugin. This will give you all kinds of extra benefits such as:  

  • Multisite support
  • Remove unwanted images
  • Sophisticated scheduling & logging systems
  • Optimize individual tables

Watch this space!

Keyy’s Milestone

We’re proud to announce that this login plugin has now exceeded the 1000+ website milestone.

Since we launched it in the summer, we’ve been working hard to ensure that this savvy little beast is truly working at its full potential and we’re pleased with how successfully it makes logins both incredibly secure and almost unbelievably quick and easy.

A glance through the latest WP ratings shows that our customers feel the same way. One review wishes he “could use keyy to login to everything online!”.  Another describes it as “a solid replacement to Clef, stable, no issues, secure, and made by a great team.”

Thank you again for choosing UpdraftPlus to back you up!


The post Updates, redesign and launch of WPO Premium appeared first on UpdraftPlus. UpdraftPlus – Backup, restore and migration plugin for WordPress.

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